This shows he represent noone except himself and his bunch of racial extremists and unlike the cunning Ma, they have disgraced themselves by showing their true colours right in the Parliament!
Samin, good morning!Would you believe, he will be in the GE13? and Ma's people will put him back on sit?
薰衣草夫人: 欢迎您回来!那青蛙的皮是超厚防弹的, M16都打不死!喃摩佬咒不爆, 人民针蜇不透的!jb: 欢迎您来,国会大椅舒适, 空调够冷, 非常好睡!
5 条评论:
This shows he represent noone except himself and his bunch of racial extremists and unlike the cunning Ma, they have disgraced themselves by showing their true colours right in the Parliament!
Samin, good morning!
Would you believe, he will be in the GE13? and Ma's people will put him back on sit?
薰衣草夫人: 欢迎您回来!
那青蛙的皮是超厚防弹的, M16都打不死!
喃摩佬咒不爆, 人民针蜇不透的!
jb: 欢迎您来,
国会大椅舒适, 空调够冷, 非常好睡!