薰衣草夫人: 欢迎您来,大官放屁是香, 草民放屁是臭的--该打!jb: 欢迎光临,他连英女王放的屁是什么颜色/气味,都一清二楚!马来王室的颜色也多是黄色....
In this case the spokesman should have better just kept quiet and not add injury to insult by his far-fetched explanation as if he were a parasitic leech in the Q E's stomach! But perhaps he thought something is better than nothing every time?
samin: Good day to you,maybe the GE13 is coming soon, is better to say something than just keep quiet, or peoples might forget him as a member of the Cabinet...
5 条评论:
薰衣草夫人: 欢迎您来,
大官放屁是香, 草民放屁是臭的--该打!
jb: 欢迎光临,
In this case the spokesman should have better just kept quiet and not add injury to insult by his far-fetched explanation as if he were a parasitic leech in the Q E's stomach! But perhaps he thought something is better than nothing every time?
samin: Good day to you,
maybe the GE13 is coming soon,
is better to say something than just keep quiet, or peoples might forget him as a member of the Cabinet...